CISC 3320                                        Team Guidelines

1. Everyone must write a chunk of the code. If there are 3 people on a team, each person should write about 1/3 of the code. The person writing the code is responsible for modifying that code and making it work with the rest of the code for the team.

2. All students on a team must know how all the code works and goes together, and each student should participate in running and debugging the code.

3. Each student must submit a final report that includes the following:

          a. A description of his or her own contribution to the project, including names of functions or sections written

          b. An evaluation of the contributions of the other members of the team.

4. Each student will meet with me individually for about 10 minutes during the week of finals to discuss the project.

5. The members of the team will not all get the same grade. Individual project grades will be based on the student's own contribution to the project.

6. The final exam will have questions about the project.